Our Professional Day Camp Provides Fun And Learning For Kids

An Experience They’ll Carry with Them All Year Long

Having trouble finding childcare during the many days your kids are out of school, but you still have to work? Bring your child up to Lion Up Martial Arts Academy where they can enjoy a day filled with games, crafts, activities and fun while you take care of business.

Keep Your Eye Out For Our Next Upcoming Event!

These camps are offered during any Professional Day off from school….

Look at your school calendar for the next Professional Day and chances are good there will be a camp!

Finding Childcare During Their School Days Off Is Challenging


They want to have fun and not worry about school, and you want them not to waste their time playing video games. You want your kids to be active, and you also want to make sure they’re in a safe and well-supervised place so you can work.. It can feel impossible to find a program that meets your criteria and will keep your kids happy – and that’s where we come in.

Our Professional Days camp is tailor-made to be fun, educational, and social. Parents love it – and kids do, too.

Keep Your Kids From Wasting Time Playing Video Games

They’ll be active and engaged in fun and educational activities every day, and they’ll have plenty to tell you at the end of the day. Our program is beneficial for them and you.

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