Does Your Child Need Guidance To Be The Best They Can Be?
You want the best for your teenager and as they prepare for the adult world, you recognize that it’s most important to give them the tools and guidance they need to figure things out for themselves. With increasing maturity comes increasing responsibility – and your teen can manage it all with a little help. But where can they get it?
Teen martial arts training helps teenagers get to know themselves and their capabilities. The lessons they learn on the mat will stay with them for the rest of their lives – at home, at school, and on the job.
Self-respect is the cornerstone of success and teens can sometimes struggle with self-esteem, judging themselves harshly.
In the world of martial arts, respect is a cornerstone value. Every teen is treated with respect by instructors and fellow students alike.
Best of all, teens learn that when they respect themselves, others will respect them too – and they’ll be respected wherever they go.
In life, the best outcome is often determined by the decision-making process and learning what good judgment is and how to use it.
In martial arts classes, students learn how to make judgments in the moment using the information they have available in conjunction with their training.
At the same time, they learn how to evaluate decisions and the elements of healthy decision-making, internalizing the ability to identify good judgment and use it in their lives.
Today’s teens are digital natives and may not have enough opportunities to move their bodies and keep themselves healthy and fit.
We all need our share of physical activity and exercise to lead healthy lives, and teenagers are no exception.
Our martial arts classes provide teens with the activity they need in a fun and social setting that builds overall fitness and tones their bodies.
Your teen doesn’t need to know exactly what they want from life, but they do need to know how to set realistic goals and work toward them.
One of the biggest benefits of martial arts training for teens is that in class, teens pursue goals constantly. Each skill they master – and each belt they earn – represents a goal they’ve achieved.
By making goal-setting a practice, martial arts training prepares teens for life, giving them the tools they need to identify, set, and achieve their goals – whatever they are.
Martial arts training builds self-esteem every time a student steps on the mat. By setting, pursuing, and reaching goals, teens learn to believe in themselves and their abilities.
Yes! The core tenets of martial arts help to build confidence, discipline, and persistence. These are all qualities that teens bring with them to the classroom, both in high school and beyond.
No. Any teenager at any fitness level can benefit from martial arts training. In fact, martial arts classes offer the opportunity for teens to improve their fitness while having a wonderful time and getting to know fellow students.
Yes! Martial arts training builds a mind-body connection that helps people of all ages be more mindful of their behavior and thoughts and learn how to make decisions that support their goals.
Yes! Persistence is simply the knowledge that if you fall, you can stand again and continue to pursue your goals. With its emphasis on constant, incremental improvement, martial arts training provides teens with an understand of their ability to persist and the value of persistence.
Yes! The martial arts are not about violence. Instead, they teach students how to coordinate their movements and use them in a controlled way. Martial arts students increase their strength and flexibility, both of which can help them to handle themselves with confidence.
We are here help!
North Port, FL
5400 S. Biscayne Dr. Suite F North Port, FL 34287